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New appointments to support rapid growth

In recent months, Sapphire Utility Solutions has made three key appointments to accommodate the company’s extraordinary growth, and to strengthen its position in the south of England.

New contract awards for Sapphire Utility Solutions

Sapphire Utility Solutions is delighted to announce the following new contract awards:

Ding, ding! Round one!

Sapphire Utility Solutions has helped to raise money for Larches & Savick Amateur Boxing Club in Preston

BSI presentation for Sapphire Utility Solutions

Last month, Sapphire Utility Solutions was invited down to BSI’s head office in Milton Keynes for a presentation of their Certificates of registration for their ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 accreditation.

SUS is a proud member of RoSPA

Sapphire Utility Solutions is proud to have joined RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents). RoSPA is a registered charity and has been at the heart of accident prevention for nearly 100 years.

Major investment in cutting-edge technology

Ensuring we have the latest in fleet and equipment is of paramount importance to Sapphire Utility Solutions.

New ways of thinking to help reduce water loss

Some leaks in water pipes are inevitable. Joints can be susceptible to seepage and pipes can become damaged by ground movements caused by freezing weather or the weight of traffic on roads.

Water Event 2015 – championing efficient water use

The Water Event 2015 promotes the efficient consumption and procurement of water, ahead of the expected deregulation of the water industry, which will help to transform the industry as a whole.

New ways of thinking to deliver network intelligence

Sapphire Utility Solutions is delighted to announce their strategic partnership with JD7, a specialist technology provider.

We’ve changed!

As part of our continued growth, we have changed our name to Sapphire Utility Solutions.