New contract awards for Sapphire Utility Solutions
Sapphire Utility Solutions is delighted to announce the following new contract awards:
Investigation of Assets for Wigan Council.
This contract will last approximately 6 weeks and will involve using CCTV units and recyclers, to inspect and cleanse the Environmental Authority Culverts.
IRP Gully Cleansing for Cumbria Council
This is a 12 week programme, targeting winter hotspots and mapping and cleansing 12,000 gullies using the Kaarbontech gully mapping system.
Culvert Cleansing and Investigation Programme for Cumbria Council
Here Sapphire is providing a one-stop solution for Cumbria Council, on an on-going basis, investigating and mapping the culvert network in the Cumbria region.
We have also been awarded the VolkerStevin gully and jetting contract for west Berkshire and a 3-year gully-cleansing contract in Southampton by Balfour Beatty Living Places, along with a contract working on the rail network with a new client, Construction Marine Ltd.
These wins are a fantastic achievement and are down to the hard work from everyone involved. We have more tenders currently in the pipeline, so watch this space for details of potential further wins.