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It’s time to change, it’s time to talk

Today is ‘Time to Talk Day’ 2020 and as a large employer, we want to make it easier for our employees and supply chain partner personnel to recognise when a friend or colleague is struggling with personal or work issues and help them feel confident about having a conversation.

To achieve this aim, we are launching our Well-being Strategy to help our people develop the necessary skills to use in and out of work to recognise when someone may need support. 

We are creating a well-being network across our company, which will provide support at the frontline and across the whole of our business.

I’m passionate about changing the culture within our industry, it’s time to change, it’s time to talk. We are committing to engaging all our employees and supply chain personnel in a well-being event to help them recognise when someone needs to talk. We are also creating a well-being network, where 1 in 5 of our people will receive additional training to help others. Finally, we have developed a Communications strategy to maintain the ongoing focus by partnering with both local and national charities to build on the great work that it already being done

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