Men’s health week
This week it’s Men’s Health Week and we’re reaching out to all our employees with helpful advice on mental health and wellbeing, as well as letting them know exactly what help we can provide. As a business we have a responsibility to look after our workers and have put together an in-depth strategy to help our employees who suffer with mental health issues.
Even before the pandemic, men’s mental health was a cause for concern. There is a grave disparity in the high number of men who die from suicide and a low number of men who seek treatment for depression, anxiety and other mental health challenges.
The Men’s Health Forum
During the pandemic and numerous lockdowns, particular groups of male-dominated workforces suffered from loss of income, with little support offered by the government. Stereotypically, men are more likely to work within jobs which cannot be done from home, and this lack of job security and lowered income can have a drastic effect on mental health..
We recently doubled our in-house Wellbeing Champions who are newly trained this year, to give support to all of our employees who need help. Within our team we have ensured that many areas of the business are covered, to make sure staff are never too far away from a non-judgmental ear.
Our Employee Assistance Programme which offers free counselling 24/7 to our staff has been around for a while along with Health Assured’s free app. Due to business expansion and newly formed joint ventures, we have made a pledge to extend our Employee Assistance Programme to our sub-contractors working in the West Midlands. With almost 1,000 members of staff now having access to free confidential support from trained professionals, we are well on our way to achieving our mental health and wellbeing goals for 2021.
Follow our social media channels this week where we will be sharing helpful advice from Men’s health forum on ‘The five ways to Wellbeing’ as well as getting to know some of our Wellbeing Champions.