Innovation at Cumbria harbour
Our team are currently on the harbour in West Strand Whitehaven helping to design and install a cover slab for a manhole!
Our team were tasked with the installation of a 400mm ductile T-junction within an existing manhole which was constructed in 2019. In partnership with United Utilities, this new ductile T-junction will help to install an overland bypass from the nearby pump station to this manhole, resulting in the renewal of 140m of 400mm rising main.
The bespoke design of the new concrete cover slab is now underway and numerous site meetings have been conducted with FP McCann to plan the brand-new feature. The cover slab once created will allow easy access for staff to enter the chamber safely, as well as easy accessibility to the gate valves and top t-piece.
Our work, which is estimated to be completed early next week has accumulated positive feedback from nearby residents, pedestrians and the Harbour Commission due to the harbour being closed off from vehicles. After much discussion as part of the reinstatement, we have now been given the go ahead to install permanent bollards to close off the harbour to vehicles, making pedestrian access much safer for all tourists and residents.